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The Mother’s Day

The mother’s day is a day that we express our sincerely thanks to our mother. This year, the mother’s day is on May 11th. The mother’s day first started from ancient Greek, then the Americans decided that the second Sunday of May is the mother’s day. On this special day, the mothers will receive presents from their children. The gifts could be anything. It is a way that the children show their love and care to their mothers.

As students, we don’t have too much money to buy expensive gifts to our mother, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything to express our thanks to our mothers. We can do something too. I have a few suggestions. For example, we can make a breakfast for our mother, or make a card for her. We can also do some cleaning to reduce mother’s pressure. We can use our lucky money to buy a single carnation. What’s more, we can turn to fathers for help, I think our fathers will be willing to give us some help about what to do on the mother’s day. The chief thing to remember is that the mother’s day is aimed to spend more time with our mother, and appreciate what she has done for the whole family. I think every mother is great, and everybody should do something to let our mothers know that we love her.
Happy mother’s day!
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    发布时间:2023-12-21 浏览:
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