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My View on University Ranking

Recent years have witnessed a great popularity of university ranking. High school graduates make their choice almost mainly based on university ranking. University ranking has aroused wide public concern. It’s a controversial issue whether people should make a university ranking.
It’s not surprising that some people hold the opinion that university ranking is necessary for students to choose college. University ranking releases information of college to students, students can make better and proper choice. Enhancing the competition between colleges , university ranking pushes college to develop their equipment and teachers .However, other people claim that university ranking is one-side to some extent .University ranking made only depends on some statistic which couldn’t totally reflect the real level of the university. What’s more, each college has its merits and demerits. Generally, students tend to choose the high-ranking colleges according to their score and the low-ranking college will be in a lower and lower ranking.
As far as I am concerned, universities should select out their best major and give a ranking to them thus students can opt for better major. All in all, we should make use of the advantage of university ranking and universities ought to make university ranking more meaningful.
    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-12-20 浏览:
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